Coaching Client Experience

Sometimes we know we want support, but we are afraid of opening up to someone. Sometimes we know we want someone to listen and help guide us to our wisdom - but we aren’t sure if the investment will be worth it. Sometimes we are just plain scared to let someone see all of who we are.

I completely understand.

If you are curious about becoming a client, I want to give you a behind-the-scenes look at the transformation my clients go through.

Here you’ll find in-depth testimonials from former clients.

Take your time and when you’re ready, book a free 30 minute session - and let’s get you on the road to being your most joyful, free, and authentic self.


What problem led you to seek out coaching?: I was dealing with underlying anxiety issues. I also felt a loss of control over my life. Daily activities and tasks were running my life instead of me feeling in control.

Was there anything you were afraid of when you started coaching sessions?: I was nervous about opening up and sharing personal details.

What are three words you would use to describe yourself before coaching?

Anxious, Lost, Overwhelmed

What was the overall feeling you got from me during coaching sessions?

I felt a safe space of acceptance. I felt reassurance that helped me to gain confidence in myself. I felt welcomed and truly cared about.

What kind of breakthroughs did you experience if any?

I had many breakthroughs. I discovered I was holding on to things that didn't even matter to me anymore. I was overwhelmed and tired of the heaviness, and it was such a breakthrough to realize I didn't have to carry it anymore. I also was able to say the words I had never said: I deserve more. That was huge. In our culture, we're taught to make ourselves small...but with your help, I was able to say it: i deserve more! And by putting those words out in the world, I was able to create a world and seek out the things I felt I deserved.

What are three words you would use to describe now that you are well along your journey with me?

Lighter, Balanced, Glowing

What was this experience like for you?

Life changing. I have had such a pivotal change in mindset. You've helped me bring out my shine that I had hidden for so long.

How has coaching affected your relationship with your children?

I'm still working on that.

How has coaching affected your relationship with your significant other?

It has made me comfortable with who I am and my worth. I am able to speak my mind more freely. Coaching has definitely given me the tools for better communication and relationship building.

What would you tell someone who is curious about seeking out coaching, but apprehensive?

Do it! Be open to changing your life for the better. Catia will welcome you with open arms and create a safe space for you to speak freely. Life isn't healed overnight, but the mindset begins to change right away and life is lived with a different perspective and that makes all the difference.

Is there anything else I could have done to enhance your experience as a client?

My only iffy experience is booking the appointment. I would have to search out an email to click the make appointment. I should have taken the time to learn your website, but it would be easier if there was a book now button. but that's me complaining of a first world problem! ha!

On a scale of 1-5, 1 being not so good, 5 being excellent How would you rate your experience with me?

5 stars - Excellent

Is there anything else you'd like to add?

Thank you so much. You really have made a huge difference in my daily life!

Hi friend!

I'm Catia, a woman, wife, mama, sister, sister friend, you know -- I wear a million hats just like you.

One of my biggest whys is that I want people to feel good about ALL of who they are. Including you.

The threads running through all my work (I’m an author - The Courage to Become, I’m a motivational and TEDx speaker, Choose Joy or Die , I am a Conscious Coach ) are hope, joy, and empowerment.

If I could choose ten words that best describe me I would say: honest, welcoming, giving, curious, loving, earnest, empathetic, spiritual, playful, and sassy. Let's add: adventurous. That's 11.

Nice to meet you!



Coaching Client Experience


Coaching Client Experience