Stuff is not your friend | Week 14 | Confidence Revolution
Catia Holm
Stuff is not your friend | Week 14 | Confidence Revolution
Stuff is a twofold problem for me.
First off, when I feel uncomfortable, I like to make a list of things that I would like to have, but don't really need, and then I like to purchase them online. With a few clicks I gloss over my discomfort and a few days later, I have more stuff than I need.
That's the way clutter shows up in my life. STUFF. INEXPENSIVE-SO-I-DON'T-HAVE-TO-FEEL-TOO-BAD-STUFF. (Another post on other forms of clutter later :) )
Secondly, I then have more things than I need and I end up having to organize it, box it, move it and even pay to store it! LUNACY. So this week I decided to do something about my STUFF problem and I decided to give it away to folks who like it and will use it. NO MORE SEASONAL DECORATIONS I NEVER USE.
I also decided to analyze who I really am verses who I was or who other people want me to be - and I decided to get rid of things, memories and thought patterns that didn't resonate with my life anymore. And it has felt awesome.
Marketers want us to believe we need that new pair of jeans, or that new car, or that new cell phone to have better lives. But the truth is, the answer is always within. You don't have to spend a nickel to be a better person or to have a better life. All you need to do to have a better life is live in your fullness.
In this video I talk about, The Minimalists. After I started listening to them, I cut up my credit card, paid off my $3,000 in debt, never reopened a card and it's been wonderful!
Get rid of what doesn't serve your higher purpose and stop accumulating THINGS you don't really love.
Everything in our space should bring us joy and add value to our lives.