One month after my hospitalization, I woke up (the day after my 35th birthday) and could not feel my right hand. I could not hold onto anything and realized that I had developed a tremor. This was unfortunate, as we were in Las Vegas celebrating my birthday with my parents and one of our closest friends. Things continued from there, and, by August, I agreed to a spinal tap (the final piece to the diagnostic puzzle).

The results came in - Multiple Sclerosis. We were in shock. I had watched my husband's best friend from law school go through his MS diagnosis and seen what a hard time he had had. I was terrified. Deep down, I knew exactly what was going on but did not want to admit it to myself.

A quick note about The Courage to Become Series and today’s, featured woman. 

Hi! Catia here. I am delighted to bring you Season 4 of The Courage to Become! I ask women I admire to share a behind the scenes view of their becoming. We often see the result but aren’t privy to the through, to the transformation. And the through is where all the magic happens. The story you are about to read will buoy you with hope. Being a woman is not easy, but damn, if it can be magical. There are inspirational women everywhere, and Danielle is one of them.

I have always admired Danielle and used to be intimidated by her. She always seemed so strong and in her power, and way back when - I didn’t know how to be like that, and so when I saw women operating in that way - it was a little scary! Eventually, my intimidation shifted to admiration. I have watched her and seen her work from afar, but I had no idea ALL that she was battling. She’s an absolute superhero. Please welcome, Danielle.


Dr. Danielle D. Fox


from Essentials for Integrative Health

Where do I begin?

When approached about writing about "my story," I was humbled and excited about the opportunity. Then reality set in, and I realized that I am not comfortable being so "open" about my story. The truth is that I have spent the past 22 years living my life and rolling with the punches without much thought about how my trials, tribulations, and triumphs may help or inspire others. With that being said, here goes!

The beginning

How did I get to where I am today? It truly is overwhelming when I sit and think about this. How do I get this whole story down into a page or two? 

How do I tell this story? Well, bear with me as I try to do my best with it all. I will summarize how I ended up where I am today while focusing on the "big" events in my life that altered my course.

Who am I?

What a question, "Who am I?". Do any of us truly know who we are? As our lives change and take form and move in different directions, ebbing and flowing, the answer to this question most likely changes. I am today very different from who I was yesterday, last year, ten years ago, etc.  

Which version of myself am I today?

I am an uber Type A, perfectionist personality. I am a doer! I push myself. I also can be quite stubborn, and I feel this has kept me going despite the obstacles thrown in my path.

I am also a wife, daughter, friend, Ph.D., Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Advocate, Ally, and the list goes on. 

I am a genuine and fair individual, and I do my best to help others.

How did I get here?

I started dating my husband 22 years ago. I was working toward my bachelor's when we met and was in a place where I did not know what I wanted to do. Once we had been dating a while, Aaron encouraged me to finish school and figure out what I wanted to do. After many years of changing my major and finally deciding on Psychology, I realized that more school was in my future.  

But first, we got married! 

Aaron and I were married in 2003, and I couldn't do much with a Psych degree. I started evaluating graduate programs. At the time, Aaron and I were being moved to California, so I had applications to UC Bakersfield for a Master's in Clinical Psychology and an application to UTPA for Communication Disorders on my desk at home. I understand these are two different routes, but please bear with me. Aaron and I ended up staying in Texas, and I applied to the Communication Disorders program at UTPA. I was admitted to the Communication Disorders program as a Special Student. This required 27 undergraduate coursework hours before starting the master's level coursework.  

I completed all requirements and found myself working as a Medical Speech-Language Pathologist in local hospitals in the Rio Grande Valley.  

I loved what I was doing, and the hospital's fast pace was a good fit for my uber Type A personality. I was busy running around all day, and I loved my patients and their families.  

I need to back up here for a minute.  

Before my official working in hospitals, I had undergone a hysterectomy a week after my 30th birthday due to severe fibroid tumors. This is relevant because this change in my life course led me to seek more education. 

While all of my friends were having children, I was looking for a Ph.D. program!

I found the Ph.D. in Rehabilitative Counseling program at UTPA (now UTRGV). 

I spoke with the program director and discovered rehabilitative counseling as the perfect marriage of my communication disorders education and my psychology background. I applied to the program and was admitted. However, I did need to take 27 hours of master's level coursework before starting my Ph. D. level coursework.  Wait, I am beginning to see a trend here.


This is where things changed…

I loved my Ph.D. program! I was working at 2 area hospitals as a medical speech-language pathologist and taking full-time Ph.D. level coursework. I was one busy person, and my uber Type A personality was thriving… or so I thought.

Before I share this part of the story, I will give some background. I have had neurological things going on here and there since I was about 14 years old. I was a dancer (ballet, tap, jazz, pointe, lyrical, hip-hop, tumbling, etc.), so I always attributed any "odd" sensations as a result of not stretching, too much stretching, or an injury. I would have bouts of extreme fatigue that, again, were attributed to doing too much. In January of the second semester of my first year of Ph.D. level coursework, I contracted pertussis from a child I was working within one of the hospitals. I am asthmatic and was more susceptible to developing full-blown pertussis. I had never been so sick in my life! I was still taking 12 hours of Ph.D. level coursework and working when I could. Things continued on a downhill trajectory from this point on (health-wise). That March, our home was destroyed by a once in a 100 years storm. I was still recovering from pertussis, and then the next storm hit.

While all of this was going on, I realized I had had severe pain in my left eye for almost two months. Naturally, I thought nothing of it and just dealt with it. It is probably a good time to report that my trainer had noticed some severe visual deficits and had been complaining about my vision for about 18 months.

By the time I started complaining about the severe stabbing pain in my eye, my vision was getting worse, and my balance was affected. I worked out with my trainer on a Saturday morning and could not hold my balance to save my life! I looked and felt drunk and, by the time I got home, my left eye was drooping. I thought I was having a stroke!


The diagnosis…

I called my eye doctor right then, and by Wednesday, I was in the neurologist's office. I was hospitalized the following Monday (I was in the middle of finals and negotiated my report date for the hospital). I was diagnosed with Optic Neuritis and was hospitalized for five days on an IV Solu-Medrol drip. At this time, everyone thought this was an isolated incident. We would soon find out otherwise. One month after my hospitalization, I woke up (the day after my 35th birthday) and could not feel my right hand. I could not hold onto anything and realized that I had developed a tremor. This was unfortunate, as we were in Las Vegas celebrating my birthday with my parents and one of our closest friends. Things continued from there, and, by August, I agreed to a spinal tap (the final piece to the diagnostic puzzle).

The results came in - Multiple Sclerosis. We were in shock. I had watched my husband's best friend from law school go through his MS diagnosis and seen what a hard time he had had. I was terrified. Deep down, I knew exactly what was going on but did not want to admit it to myself.

We started seeing specialists and, after one horrible experience at the Cleveland Clinic, I found myself at UCSF with the incredible neurologist ever! My whole perspective and level of MS care shifted once I started seeing Dr. Liz Crabtree. I continued my Ph.D. coursework and modified my schedule. I started sitting fall semesters out so that I could focus on my health. This is where my health journey truly began.


My health journey…

I changed my diet/lifestyle. I was a gluten-free vegan and had completely given up alcohol! This was not the best fit for me, as I was on 5 IV steroid treatments that first year (2012). I was encouraged to modify my diet and work on the best fit for me. Here's the kicker… each MS-specific diet book is a different diet! How is someone supposed to follow one thing when there is so much contradictory information out there? I became my own advocate and started researching and trying different things for myself. I tried different diets, supplements, alternative therapies. You name it, and I have tried it. My MS is much more active than my doctors would like, but it is what it is.

I continue to work on finding the perfect balance for me. At this time, that balance is diet/lifestyle, a ton of supplements, getting out of the heat and into a temperate climate for a significant portion of the year, medical cannabis and CBD, yoga, massage, and mindfulness.

Where this has brought me…

After being set back almost two years as a result of the MS diagnosis, I graduated with my Ph.D. in Rehabilitative Counseling in December 2017. Now what??? I had spent so much time "working on" my Ph.D., that attaining it was anticlimactic. You work so hard on something for so long, despite severe setbacks and limitations that you are almost numb when you finally reach the finish line. After looking into different options with my newfound title, I stumbled onto Integrative Health Coaching. This was the perfect marriage of my education and my personal experience. Who is better equipped to help individuals with change than someone that has been (and continues to go) through so much themselves?


Where I am today…

I researched programs and applied to the Integrative Health Coaching program through Duke University's School of Integrative Medicine. I didn't tell anyone I applied; I just did it an crossed my fingers. I was accepted and took my first trip to Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina! I completed the foundation course through Duke University, then the Certification course, and the National Board Certifying Exam.

I am a National Board-Certified Integrative Health Coach trained by Duke University Integrative Medicine. Wow, that's a mouthful!

I work with individuals in making meaningful and lasting lifestyle changes by focusing on the whole person. I love what I do! I have finally found my calling and use for all of my education and personal experience. I work with an Integrative Medicine specialist, and I, myself, walk the walk.


I understand that I have glossed over the nitty-gritty details of my MS struggles. I feel this piece is intended more for how I got to where I am rather than my actual daily struggle.

MS is something I deal with. 


It is with me all day, every day. My days are quite unpredictable as I may overdo it one day and have nothing in me the next. I live in a constant state of trying to maintain balance and do not always succeed. 

This diagnosis has taught me a lesson in patience; however, I still struggle with my uber Type-A tendencies and am constantly reminding myself to slow down!  

I am still working on what is best for me and am happy to sit down and discuss my MS journey in more detail if you would like to contact me. In a nutshell, I have had to make significant lifestyle changes and acknowledge my limitations. I have had to learn to say "NO" and put myself first. This is not always easy, and I (often) seem like I am unreliable. 

Those closest to me know about my daily struggles, but even they do not see the whole of it. I am ME, and I do my best to continue to work toward helping others. I hope this sharing is able to help you

Sending each of you my best,


Dr. Danielle D Fox, PhD, CRC, NBC-HWC is a National Board Certified Integrative Health Coach. Trained by Duke University’s School of Integrative Medicine.  Dr. Fox is a PhD in Rehabilitative Counseling and is a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor.

During her second year of PhD coursework, Dr. Fox was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS).  This diagnosis lead to Dr. Fox embarking on her own personal health and wellness journey. Dr. Fox's doctoral research assessed the role of Locus of Control and how that relates to Quality of Life among individuals with Multiple Sclerosis.  Through her research, Dr. Fox found, that in most chronic conditions, individuals with an internal locus of control tend to fare better. What does this mean? This means that individuals that are more proactive and hold themselves accountable in their health tend to exhibit better clinical outcomes.  In researching the MS population, Dr. Fox found that there is, in fact, a relationship between an internal locus of control and improved quality of life scores among individuals with MS. What does this mean for you? This means that Dr. Fox has the experience and tools to empower clients and facilitate meaningful and healthy lifestyle changes.  

Through her own personal experience with Integrative Medicine, Dr. Fox found that by implementing lifestyle changes (in all areas of her life) she was able to better manage her chronic condition and improve her overall health and well being.  This personal health and well being journey, combined with Dr. Fox's education and area of research, provides her with a different perspective and understanding of the importance and value of implementing lifestyle changes as well as the tools necessary to assist you on your journey.

You can connect with Danielle via her website

Essentials for Integrative Health , Facebook , or Instagram


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Hi friend!

Welcome to Bright Light.

I'm Catia, a woman, wife, mama, sister, friend, daughter -- you know -- I wear a million hats just like you.

Here at Bright Light, I help parents worldwide enjoy their lives and enjoy their kids.

Family life can be beautiful, but it's not easy. A day in a family can be filled with heartache, guilt, hugs, crying, laughing, and rushing from one place to another.

I help parents create the home life they've always wanted and an environment that feels good for everyone. I teach parents how to strengthen their marriages and relationships with their children.

I believe in the power of parents and families to support and encourage each family member and then take that energy and make the world a better place.

You have the strength to break behavioral patterns, heal intergenerational trauma, and nurture your family in the way you have always wanted to.

To each session, I bring my training as a Certified Conscious Coach, my graduate studies in Marriage and Family Therapy, and my decade-long career as an author and keynote speaker. My approach is multi-cultural, grounded in research and my own experience as the mama of two young girls.

If I could choose ten words that best describe me, I would say: honest, welcoming, giving, curious, loving, earnest, empathetic, spiritual, playful, and sassy. Let's add: adventurous. That's 11.

Nice to meet you!


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Shine your brightest,


Courage to Become | Lindsay Gath


Courage to Become | Lisa Jauregui