Jul 27 Jul 27 Time-outs and Horoscopes | Week 30 | Confidence Revolution Catia Holm catia holm, confidence revolution, evolution, goals
Jul 20 Jul 20 Watch Shame Wither | Week 29 | Confidence Revolution Catia Holm confidence revolution, catia holm, courage, progress, self care
Jul 13 Jul 13 With them and For them | Week 28 | Confidence Revolution Catia Holm confidence revolution, advice, progress, relationships, womanhood
Jul 7 Jul 7 Racism + Revenge | Week 27 | Confidence Revolution Catia Holm confidence revolution, evolution, faith, fear
Jun 30 Jun 30 Drag Show + Church | Week 26 | Confidence Revolution Catia Holm confidence revolution, courage, evolution, faith, God
Jun 23 Jun 23 The Secret To Dealing With Doubt | Week 25 | Confidence Revolution Catia Holm confidence revolution, catia holm, advice, fear
Jun 16 Jun 16 Facebook Stalking | Week 24 | Confidence Revoltuion Catia Holm confidence revolution, progress, self care, worth
Jun 9 Jun 9 Body After Baby | Week 23 | Confidence Revolution Catia Holm confidence revolution, body image, womanhood, self-esteem
May 31 May 31 Courage and Vulnerability | Week 21 | Confidence Revolution Catia Holm courage, vulnerability, progress, evolution, confidence revolution
May 20 May 20 Jealousy | Week 20 | Confidence Revolution Catia Holm jealousy, fear, confidence revolution, advice, love, marriage, progress
May 12 May 12 Who do you think you are? | Week 19 | Confidence Revolution Catia Holm confidence revolution, confidence, advice, evolution, goals, life purpose
May 5 May 5 How my journey with insecurity led to the Confidence Revolution Catia Holm confidence revolution, self care, self-esteem, womanhood, worth
May 4 May 4 Give the Best You Have | Week 18 | Confidence Revolution Catia Holm confidence revolution, evolution, relationships
Apr 28 Apr 28 3 Tips To Boost Daily Confidence | Week 17 | Confidence Revolution Catia Holm confidence revolution, evolution, goals, life purpose, progress
Apr 21 Apr 21 Armor and Security Blankets | Week 16 | Confidence Revolution Catia Holm confidence revolution, confidence, evolution, goals, self care, self-esteem, worth
Mar 30 Mar 30 Learn to speak LOVE | Week 13 | Confidence Revolution Catia Holm catia holm, confidence, confidence revolution, advice, dating, love, parenting, marriage, relationships
Mar 24 Mar 24 Confidence Is... | Week 12 | Confidence Revolution Catia Holm confidence, confidence revolution, goals, love, self-esteem
Mar 17 Mar 17 How Gratitude Transforms | Week 11 | Confidence Revolution Catia Holm confidence, confidence revolution, catia holm, self-esteem, gratitude Gratitude is not always easy. But learning how to practice gratitude and consistently expressing our gratitude transforms what we have into more than enough.
Mar 9 Mar 9 What are Your Gifts? | Week 10 | Confidence Revolution Catia Holm self-esteem, confidence revolution, confidence, catia holm, life purpose Your gifts are worth celebrating.